Bowen Therapy

What is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen for the Knee
Bowen for the Knee

Bowen Therapy is a whole body natural health care system comprising the Bowen Technique, a gentle bodywork technique devised by Tom Bowen in the 1950’s in Australia.  Bowen Therapy is a remarkable complementary health care system used with great success to assist the body to regulate and repair itself.  In 1975 the Victorian Govern­ment set up an inquiry into alternative health care professionals and it was determined that Tom Bowen treated over 13,000 people with nearly 90% success rate.  Bowen Therapy is gaining recognition internationally and is particularly beneficial for the myriad of chronic health conditions suffered by so many people in the 21st Century.

How does it work?

A gentle, dynamic bodywork technique performed on the body in specific locations and sequences depending on the presenting symptoms. Mandatory pauses between “moves” allow the body to integrate the messages from each set of moves.  The most striking feature of the Bowen technique is that it works with the body’s messenger systems to reset, realign, rebalance and repair.  Of particular importance is how it targets the Autonomic Nervous System to bring the 2 branches, Sympathetic and Parasympathetic, into equilibrium.  Consider the high stress lifestyle most of us experience which tends to cause the Sympathetic Nervous System to be stuck in the on position and the Parasympathetic is being overridden or ignored.  Tension, inflammation, sleep disturbance and anxiety are the most common consequence of this imbalance in the Autonomic Nervous System.  Bowen Therapy assists the body to calm the Sympathetic Nervous System and activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System so that genuine relaxation is obtained, energy begins to flow without impedance and the body can begin to repair itself.  Bowen Therapy can accelerate healing after acute injury and is increasingly being used by athletes to treat injuries and also to maintain optimum physical fitness and health.


Bowen Therapy – more than Bodywork technique

Bowen Therapy works on the whole body, it is capable of treating any condition including digestive problems, sleep disorders, respiratory illness, chronic fatigue, headaches… When used in conjunction with other therapies that address nutritional imbalances and poor lifestyle habits, the body is greatly assisted to repair and restore itself to optimum health and wellbeing.

Bowen for the Ankle
Bowen for the Ankle