Scorpio New Moon 25 October 2022

Scorpio - shadow and light

For those of us who live in eastern Australia, this October new moon occurs at 9:48pm Tuesday 25th October 2022. Readers from other time zones will need to adjust the time – you can check out your time zone here

At this new moon, the sun and moon will be at 2º of Scorpio and we will have a partial solar eclipse – visible only in the northern hemisphere (see the visibility on this predictive map at “time and date).

In addition we have Venus also at 2º of Scorpio, as she slowly passes behind the Sun moving from her morning star position to her evening star position.  We won’t see her again until December as she is in contemplation of the deeper mysteries of life as Scorpio invites us all to do at this powerful time.

Solar eclipses are indicators of a wake up call – be guided by the sign and house where the eclipse occurs and what aspects it makes to your personal horoscope.  This Scorpio new moon is time for some deep enquiry into our motivations and gives us the opportunity to bring light into the shadow aspects of ourselves – the parts we don’t like, the parts we have denied, the parts we have suppressed.  Our most potent gifts usually lie hidden in these shadow aspects, so it is imperative that we do this in an accepting, loving way.  If you need help and support to do this deeper work, you may like to join me in the Transformational Wellbeing Mentoring program. (See HERE)

In the chart picture for this new moon below, the houses are set for where I live in Wollongong, NSW – and the new moon is in the 5th House – which indicates a  lot of energy in the house that rules creative self expression, hobbies, pleasure  and children.  An opportunity to express the shadow in a way that is not harmful to ourselves or others through the medium of creative exploits – dancing, singing, journaling, painting, drawing, blogging, vlogging, trying new hobbies…whatever you feel drawn to do.

If you find the new moon is in your 11th house, you may feel drawn to join a group or you may feel it is time to leave a group where the energy has become unhealthy for you. 

If it occurs in your 6th House it is time for you to look more honestly at your routines and habits and how these are contributing to your well-being (or not!)  You can print your horoscope on the form at the end of this post (if you know your birth time) and see where the houses are.

Scorpio New Moon 25-10-2022

Powerful aspects are coming in with a square from Pluto at 26º Capricorn and since Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, the influence on the Scorpio new moon energies is naturally potentised lending more power and depth to the deep dive into our psyche and emotions that this new moon is inviting us to explore.   We have the chance to reveal, acknowledge and transform the shadow aspects of our self into powerful tools for creating a new way of Being in peace, love and joy.

Remember that this is happening to every single person on the planet.  Be considerate of each other as we go through the inner cleansing and clearance of old paradigms.  Money power death sex taxes are areas under Scorpios influence – the topics we were always told not to discuss!  Keep it hidden and it eats away at us from the inside, poisoning relationships, health and happiness.  Shine the light of your awareness and love into your heart, into your psyche and face your fears with love.  They  dissolve when LOVE is our vibration.   

Pluto has been busy revealing the toxic nature of control systems of government and business in all countries.  The patriarchal systems are coming to their natural end as we enter a new evolutionary phase of living with acceptance and joy in diversity, a stronger desire to live in harmony, equality and fairness,  and the will to implement sustainable practices with respect for all living beings.  Bring on the changes – but hold onto your hat and drop your resistance to the changes.  Hold onto your vision of a happy healthy loving society and it will be for the better!


This Scorpio new moon is particularly potent and provides us with tremendous opportunity to face all that is toxic both within our psyche and in our external environment.  It takes honesty and a willingness to face these aspects of our self and then set intentions to take action to make the changes that will transform your self and your life into what is deeply desired.

We are called to reassess everything from our negative thinking and limiting beliefs,  unhealthy habits that sabotage our efforts to manifest our goals and be the person we truly want to be, and even the people we hang with and the places we frequent – if they are supportive of the person you are developing into, then great. But if they keep you trapped in a way of being that is slowly suffocating or poisoning you…you know what to do.


Setting your intention

Optimal timing of setting your new moon intentions is in the 8 hour period immediately following the time of the new moon, though it is still worth doing even up to 48 hours after the new moon.  Check your optimal times here

To set your intentions it is important to handwrite your intentions on paper – there is something profound about the act of handwriting because your energy and intention flows through your hand and onto the page via the pen.  Notice how your handwriting style may change according to your mood, so it reflects more of your inner feelings than typing on a keyboard.

It is recommended to create at least 3 intentions and a maximum of 10.  Any more will dilute the energy. Intentions are phrased as wants/wishes and it is important that you write them in a way that activates your feelings so you are emotionally involved with the intention. Write them down as if they have already manifested eg I now have… Note that this is important!

Examples of intentions for this Scorpio new moon

  • I now give myself permission to say no to what is not right for me and for my highest good;
  • I now accept responsibility for the parts of me I have been projecting onto others;
  • I now get help so that trauma from my past experiences is able to be acknowledged and released in a safe and empowering way;
  • I am willing to acknowledge my emotions and honour them;
  • I am willing to share more of myself with my beloved in a truthful way so our relationship can deepen and grow;
  • I am willing and able to forgive the people who have hurt me as I realise my forgiveness does not condone their behaviour, it simply allows for positive change to happen;
  • I am able to walk away from toxic habits and create new healthy ones;
  • I now take responsibility for the health problems and begin implementing changes to my lifestyle and habits so my body and mind have a chance to heal.

The new moon intentions hold more power if you know which area of life they are affecting in your life. As this new moon will be at 2º Scorpio, look at your own chart to see what planets it may be aspecting and which house it falls in for you. (You will need to know your birth time to be sure of the house positions in your natal chart.)

You can get a free horoscope by completing the form below and it will open right here on this page. (Thank you Astro Charts for sharing!)


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